
FiberCop brings ultra-fast optical fiber to Tuscania

News Fibercop - FiberCop brings ultra-fast optical fiber to Tuscania

The town of Tuscania has been included in the FiberCop national plan of FTTH cabling to make connections of up to 1 Gigabit/s available. The estimated investment is of 850 thousand euro.

FiberCop has started in Tuscania, in the province of Viterbo, the innovative cabling plan that will bring optic fibre to the houses. The work on the creation of the new network costing approximately 850 thousand euro, and coordinated by TIM, has already started in many areas of the city so as to make the services progressively available. The objective is to connect over 2,100 property units by the end of the plan.

The town of Tuscania is, indeed, included in the FiberCop national coverage plan, whose objective is to create the secondary fibre optic access network in the black and grey areas of the Country in order to develop  Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) solutions.  The adopted model of the ‘open’ co-investment envisaged by the new European Code of Electronic Communications guarantees the operators access to passive fibre optic services and to advanced services, operating with maximum efficiency and protecting people and the environment

The works will be carried out in partnership with the Town Council. In order to limit the inconvenience to the Citizens and to quickly create the new network, we will use the already existing infrastructures where possible, whereas if it should be necessary to make new excavations, they will be made by adopting innovative low environmental impact techniques, with interventions on the road surface of approximately 10-15 centimetres.

Thanks to this plan, Tuscania will be equipped with a fibre optic network with an even better performance than the one already available to citizens and enterprises thanks to the FTTCab technology, that provides connections of up to 200 megabit for 3,200 property units.

The new super-fast network will make it possible to accelerate the digitalization process on the territory, to the benefit of citizens, enterprises and public administration, and to provide excellent support to the professional requirements, also connected to working from home and distance learning.

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